"You are losing your hair!" are not the words you want to hear from your hairstylist.

(I have been where you are. I just didn't know it.)

The doctor examined my bald spot, sat down eye-level with me and asked, “What are you so stressed about?” I answered, “Nothing I know of...”

It never occurred to me that this alarming change in my body could be related to my ill-fitting job... until my partner directly asked, “Krista, are you paying attention to your life?”

This began my journey of turning a job that was making me sick into a perfect-fit career path.

Now maybe your job isn’t making you sick. But your relationship with work doesn’t have to be glaringly bad for it to be bad for you. Stress can accumulate slowly.

Can you still remember a time when you liked your work?
Are you wondering whether you’re actually making an impact?
Does it feel like you’re barely making it through the day... every day?

I’ve partnered with people to make extraordinary changes in their lives. The decisions, strategies and habits look different for everyone, but the journey can lead to a better life and a new relationship with work.

As a certified leadership coach, my purpose is to help stretched-thin leaders avoid burnout so you can live your purpose - not just your to-do list.

If you'd like to explore what coaching could do for you and whether I’m the right partner for the changes that matter most, set a free 30-minute consultation with me here. I’ll help you figure out the right next step so you can breakthrough to better.